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I use STM32CubeIDE version 1.14.1. When I'm in debug mode, the Values in the "Live Expressions" window are weird and wrong.However, I found out that after editing and putting a random value in one of the fields, it will be fixed.Beginning:  After wri...
Hi every oneI want to use DWT->CYCCNT in my software for STM32G491RE. I used these 2 lines to enable it:CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; DWT->CTRL |= DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Msk; But when I see with the debugger it seems that it does not wr...
I have a C/C++ project which has its own make files and is imported to a STM32CubeIDE on Win 11. In order to compile the project, I have to enter some commands in git-bash. so for simplicity, I wrote them into a .sh file which is named, and ...
I want to design a board that has an STM32H7 with internal SMPS and an SSD2828 which needs 1.2 V too.I'm wondering if it is possible to use the internal SMPS of the microcontroller to produce the 1.2 V for Vcore like the below picture and also use th...
I need to debug the SBSFU project on the Keil IDE. I know there are some data about IAR and Cube but I couldn't find anything about Keil.After that, I also want to debug my main project while it is located in slot 1.So How is it possible?
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