set LPUART TX pin to level 1 while in Stopmode2 (STM32L476)
Hello,How can I set the STM32L476 LPUART TX to level 1 while the device is in StopMode2?The LPUART clock is the LSE clock.Best regardsMich.
Hello,How can I set the STM32L476 LPUART TX to level 1 while the device is in StopMode2?The LPUART clock is the LSE clock.Best regardsMich.
I Previously used V4.0.0 (At least I think so) but sometime ago upgraded to V4.2.0. Now every second time I read a .hex from disk it crashes (having programmed the chip between file openings). The .hex is for a stm32H7 (doesn´t know if it makes a dif...
Hi. As you can see in the picture I haven't got the LSE crystal resonator so I have 40 Khz as RTC input. The datetime is not well calculated.How can I resolve the problem? Is there a way to have an affidable rtc whitout the resonator?
Hi.I use the STM32F107 and shall implement the IWDG to supervise my SW.But my IWDG init-code (stm32_IwdgSetup(..)): 1) stops/halts the MCU in the "IWDG->KR = 0xCCCC" statement below 2) MCU never proceeds/advances from the "IWDG->KR = 0xCCCC" statemen...
Posted on September 14, 2017 at 06:22Greetings People,Is it necessary to connect VDDA in STM32F030R8 ? I am not using ADC in my application. Any suggestions would be of great help.#analog-supply #external-power
Hi,I implemented a UART communication using the DMA feature on a STM32L4 microcontroller.DMA RxCallback is called on UART Idle line detection interrupt as I d'ont know the length of the incomming frame. The baudrate is 230400 and I receive a frame e...
Pleaese give me some idea for this control theory. The output pin should be PWM_A/_B/_C and RESET_A/_B/_C as shown on picture. If I give specific duty cycle and frequency, how to implement it ?
Hi all, I hope someone could help me on this.I have a trouble on read out ADC from a signal 1Mhz, and my current MCU can't read ADC with this high frequency signal. So I decide to use external ADC IC. I found some from Analog device which can support...
I am working with the STM32F4 and STM32F7 microcontroller families. I am sure that I, at some point, have seen a drawing that shows how the different clocks are routed to different peripherals. This drawing was very helpful when I had questions lik...