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Weird binary size growth

Has anyone else stumblen on this?I had a build configuration, and I needed to do another for a different memory area. I made a new one with a different name based on the existing configuration, and when it compiled and linked, I removed the old one. ...

STM32F105 I2C clock streaching

Hi,We are working with the STM32F105 chip and we want to use its I2C interface to communicate with a chip that demanding an I2C master that allows the clock stretching. We need to know if it is possible to enable this feature in the STM32F105 and how...

CAlon by Associate
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Resolved! HW timers with FreeRTOS

Hi,I am struggling with HW timers when using FreeRTOS. Using H743ZI Nucleo Board and writing on FreeRTOS application examples.I have changed ThreadCreation application a little bit: created another task that initializes LEDs and a timer, and creates ...

Usart bad baud rate / stop bits setting hanging mcu.

Hello, I'm having some issue with the usart, everything works just fine, but if I start querying the usart with a bad baud rate and especially when the stop bits setting is incorrect, then the mcu hangs after couple of seconds. Please look below, I h...

SimonP by Associate II
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Is there another way?

I am a very patient man. I've spent the last 2 days (not hours! entire days!) studying this 'simple' example from Cube1 (HAL_TimeBase_RTC_ALARM). The example is irrelevant: I've experienced the same with other examples... So, I'm looking at these fi...

luch by Associate III
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