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Hi STM32 TeamI can not find STM32F402RCT6 in cubemx or  ST website.  but, i can buy this chip form can i develop this chip.  It is discontinued or a transitional type? (only see a STM32F4 value line or more message) 
Hi everyone, I use a JumpToBootloader( ) function in my code to execute system memory bootloader. and then STM32CubeProgrammer connect ok, but it can not program​MCU:STM32G030K6T6 STM32CubeProgrammer: v2.4.0Boot Interface: UART1 (PA9 PA10)+MAX13487EE...
Dear ALLI got an problem when i use STM32F429 standby mode.In the first time enter the standby mode it woks fine. I use PA0-WAUP pin to exit the standby mode. But, i make another try to enter the standby mode, it immediate reset。It is seems it entere...
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