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PSRAM with 32-bit data bus width?

According to the STM32F4/F7 data sheet FMC controller support 32-bit bus PSRAM. For my application I would like to use this configuration, due to a high bandwidth requirement. However, in the market it seems very difficult to find a PSRAM with 32-bit...

M. Jeong by Associate II
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Changing GPIO mode at runtime

I'm trying to change GPIO mode at runtime, i could able to change mode from input to output and vice versa. But once configuring GPIO as EXTI i'm not able to change it to any other mode. and even if i try to change, ISR is getting executed.

BP1 by Associate II
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After STMCube update to version 4.27.0 HAL RTC driver clear RTC date and time and set it's to default value on MCU power up, STM32F373 series and STM32Cube FW_F3 V1.10.0.

On last version normal rtc init code was so:/* RTC init function */ static void MX_RTC_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END RTC_Init 0 */ RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime; RTC_DateTypeDef sDate; RTC_AlarmTypeDef sAlarm;...

Using TIM1 for get two positive pulses.

Hello.I using uC STM32F030F4P6. I need generate sequence positive pulses with help TIM1. Please see graph in the attachment. The first, must generate one positive puls with weight 1us on the channel 1 after this, must generate pulse with weight 6-16u...

SGaid by Associate II
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STM32F100 Temperatur Sensor with VDDA = 2.8V

​Hi,I am usign the STM32F100RB with VDDA = 2.8V.However when trying to use the internal temperature sensor I can calculate a slove of approx 2mV/K instead of approx 4.1K from the electrical caracteristics.Is there anything different at 2.8V instead o...

SPook by Associate
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Issue in code uploading for the IC STM32F100ZC.

hello, Iam having a issue in uploading the code to STM32F100ZC, I have attached the schematic of SW interface done. Its showing an error that target is not connected. I have done all the possible connections for BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins.Please h...

mPona by Associate II
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I am trying to use I2C communication using ST NUCLEO-F030R8 with AT24C64 and modifying code generated by STM32CubeMX. When I use HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady function it returns HAL_OK but HAL_I2C_Mem_Write or HAL_I2C_Mem_Read function returns error

if(HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c2,0xA0,10,100)==HAL_OK){ sprintf((char*)TxBuff,"\r\ni2c device ready");}else{ sprintf((char*)TxBuff,"\r\ni2c device fail");}if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c2,0xA0,mem_add,32,&data_send,1,10)==HAL_OK){ sprintf((char*)TxBuff,"\r...

NAmat by Associate II
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UART tx stop when I send messages for a long time

I'm using uart fuctions with my board STM32F401RE.I don't use cts, rts (hardware flow control) and any receiving process.So I only transmitt some values to PC but I found that when I send a message constantly, suddenly it stop. I think it's related w...

dlee.0 by Associate II
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Install DFU driver on Win7 failed

Posted on August 11, 2015 at 04:28Hi guys,I wanted to test DFU function with my STM32F401 board, and my Win7 has installed DfuSe V3.0.4. After I plug USB to PC, it shows the driver is not corrected, so DfuSe can't recognized the USB device.I searche...

dqyang by Associate II
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