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STM32F051 touch library bug

Hi,I Have two problem.first : using STM32F051R8Txcant use IO_TOUCHKEY2 at all !, have to assign IO2 to unused PIN and define new IO_TOUCHKEY.(if you need 3 touch you have to set 4 touch in CUBEMX case IO_TOUCHKEY2 doest respond!)second: why STM32F051...

HNaja.5 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F072C8 Total Flash Memory?

Hi guys,The STM32F072C8 microprocessor has a total of 31 flash pages. Each page is 2 kb in size. Thus, the processor has 64 (2x32) kb flash memory. The interesting thing is that I can read / write on page 63. How is that possible?Thanks.

Hi world! by Associate III
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Problems with SPI on STM32F429

I've got NUCLEO-F429ZI board and I'm trying to write simple communication via SPI. I've generated code from CubeMX for SPI1, compiled it under Atollic TrueStudio and run. Unfortunately I cannot get SPI working. I mean I have no clock signal on SCK P...

WKowo by Associate II
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Hello I am trying to establish single-byte receive on stm32f091 controller by polling mode but unable to do it . Do i need to monitor any flag or clear any of the flag. Please suggest some solution.

uint8_t tx_Data[4]="AT\r\n";uint8_t tx_Data_A[26]="ATFY0K0C0R0S30=64S0=0@L1\r\n";uint8_t tx_Data_B[5]="ATD\r\n";uint8_t rx_Modem0[40];uint8_t rx_Modem1[40];HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, tx_Data, 4, 400);//HAL_Delay(500);HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1,rx_Modem...

MKuma.8 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F1 system timer

Hi, I'm using STM32F103. I encountered a problem when using the system timer to generate a delay. The processor runs at 8MHz from reset, well I think, and I'm using that clock to generate a 1Ms delay. So, I've to load the SysTick LOAD register wit...

0690X000009YvdxQAC.png 0690X000009YvdsQAC.png
ASeyo by Associate II
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Resolved! TI3 and TI4 mapping on input capture

I'm just setting up the input capture on timer 2, input capture 4. On page 411 of the reference manual for the CCMR2 register and the CC4S bits, it states "01: CC4 channel is configured as input, IC4 is mapped on TI4 10: CC4 channel is configured as ...