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Forum Posts

Resolved! problem with TIM exception stm32f103

So I just started to use stm32f103 MCU that I have but for some reason I code doesn't go into the TIM2_IRQHandler.This is my code:.thumb .syntax unified .equ GPIOB,0x40010C00 .equ RCC ,0x40021000 .equ TIM2 ,0x40000000 .equ NVIC ,...

FEkic by Associate II
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STM32F730R8 __FPU_USED needed?

Hello all, I'd like to know if I'm making full use of the FPU on an F730 using SW4STM32/Eclipse. In project properties i set floating point hardware to fpV5-sp-d16 and the ABI to hardware. I also define __FPU_PRESENT & ARM_MATH_CM7 and set the libra...

RMcCa by Senior II
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Resolved! Displaying the value of a temperature on the LCD

Hello everyone, so what I’m going to do is displaying the value of the temperature on the LCD of the STM32F413H-Disco with a PT100, i wrote this code:int value;char getvalue[20];...MX_ADC_Init();HAL_ADC_Start_IT(&hadc1); (I choose Interruption becaus...

idrissmc by Associate III
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STM32F107 I2C2 not clocking the SCL line.

Is there an alternate function that needs to be disabled for this to work by default? The datasheet footnote says "SPI2/I2S2 and I2C2 are not available when the Ethernet is being used." Is the Ethernet enabled by default and how do I disable it or pr...

JMara.5 by Associate II
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Resolved! Is it possible to interrupt the middle of a += operation?

I think I have proven now through tests that the and is clearly "YES". But, I'll still put this is as some awareness raising anyway. It might not be immediately obvious that an interrupted task can override the value of an interrupting task. Also, I'...

DJC by Senior
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4 devices on I2C ?

Dear Members,I have 4 devices on I2C 1, 2LCD s and 2 Sensors,I tried to init 16x2 I2C LCD, it seems that it blocked all the process,Is it because of 3.3V databus ? Does it need 5V databus?HAL_StatusTypeDef LCD_SendInternal(uint8_t lcd_addr, uint8_t d...