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In 'L07x DS, please add footnote to PB5 explaining remapping to TIM3_CH2

In the 'L053 DS, DS10152 Rev 9 , pin PB5 is marked as TIM22_CH2 both in Table 15. STM32L053x6/8 pin definitions and Table 17. Alternate function port B .


However, this is an exceptional pin which can be remapped to TIM3_CH2. The DS in both tables should say so.

[EDIT] Okay so the above is my bad; the 'L05x don't have TIM3 at all.

However, I still maintain, that both tables indicating PA5 remap [/EDIT]

should contain a footnote, explaining *how* the remap is done, as it's surprising - it's done in TIM3_OR.

This is surprising because in other families except 'F0, remaps such us these are steered by bits in SYSCFG registers; and TIM3_OR bits change only timer *inputs* remaps, between pins and internal sources - as witnessed by the bitfield names in TIM3_OR, TI_RMP which stands for Timer Input Remap.

ST, please do so in all relevant 'L07x datasheet.



[EDIT] The same request for PC9, USB_NOE/TIM3_CH4 combo. May be the same footnote.