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Forum Posts

SDMMC impssible to get working

Hello,I'm using a custom board and have gone through 3 iterations one with stm made EMI filter for SD, one with F2 chip with SDIO and now I'm using stm32l496zg with 4.7k pullups on D0-D3 and CMD lines. When running the completely unchanged code gener...

Resolved! Rename project and also directory in STM32CubeIDE

When renaming a project in the project tree view it seems one can rename the project itself but not the directory it initially had been created in.I have a project "myfirst1", renamed it to "myfirst" with all references. In the treeview one can see t...

Resolved! Max toggle rate using timers on stm32h503rb6

I am trying to toggle PB6 gpio at 10MHz on the nucleo board. I am trying to use timers to do this. Using LL library with full optimization and 250MHz system clock rate. I was able to get 3.5MHz ish. With timer 1 prescaler and divider being 0. Please ...

Resolved! PCB Customization

Good Afternoon Sir/Mam, We are Engineering Students. We have a PCB Design and I want to get it manufactured. We want it's single piece for our Prototype Development and Testing, once our Prototype completes the requirement criteria, we will order it ...

Ankur_1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Graph

Hi, any provision to plot array data in real-time during debug using F439 Nucleo?Please guide

GauravK by Senior
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Resolved! STM32U575ZITxQ Port G GPIO Issue

I have just started evaluating the STM32U575ZIT6QU for a project that my company is working on.While attempting to evaluate the I2C pins for I2C1 on pings PG13 & PG14, I noticed that the pins would not work correctly and would stay low, even with int...