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Forum Posts

STM32H7 Flash programming issue

​Hi,on a stm32h743 (with IAR embedded workbench IDE Version 8.30.1) i am experiencing the following Problem in the HAL_FLASH_Program function:The Input Parameter DataAddress is reinterpreted as uint64_t* and copied to the Destination by the line*dest...

EStei.3 by Associate III
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STM32F722VET6 MCU Malfunctioning

We are using STM32F722VET6 MCU in one of our project.Memory defined are in linker as below:RAM : 256KBROM : 512KBStack : 4KBWe have configured below peripherals and developed an application code using user defined functions. Which is working as exp...

SPate.14 by Associate
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Resolved! Recognizing SPI data reception in STM32F429

I'd like to ask how the STM32F429 recognizes data reception in case of SPI while there is no any start bit? I know that there is RXNE bit in SPI_SR status register, but how SPI knows where is the first bit of the transmitted byte? Is it somehow sync...

WKowo by Associate II
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How to do a SPI communication on STM32F7 without DMA

HI everyone, i'm trying to do an a SPI communication between the board STM32F746 and the MAX7219 to controller a matrix. i'm working in keil uvision 5 and programming without libraries, DMA, CMSIS or other. i programm through registers putting '1'. i...

ARami.8 by Associate II
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Please correct my function ?

Dear Member,I'm confused between pointer and array,Please correct me :void sim7600_modem(char *SIM_TxBuffer){   printf("sim7600_modem ATI\r\n");   //Clear buffer   HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*)&aTxBuffer4, sizeof(aTxBuffer4));   HAL_Delay(5...

Wrong data on I2C 2 ?

Dear Members,I got a wrong data on I2C 2 for LCD, the first time it was ok, after a while it becomes like in the photo, what do you think the cause of it ?I have put a pull up resistor for it 10K, and the speed is 100KHz,I2C1 for Accelerometer and te...
