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Resolved! How many SPIs do STM32F429VIT6 have?

From the website, it shows there are 6 SPIs in STM32F429VIT6, but from CubeMX Connectivity​ list, there are only 4 SPIs in STM32F429 series.So which parameter is correct ?B.R.Billy

Bhuan.11 by Associate
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HAL Uart Receives My Uart Transmit Data

Hey there,I communicate with electronic component that communicate with UART.I use STM32F0 MCU. I send Uart messages and make some process after electronic component sends its own Uart data. My problem is:When i use Uart_transmit. My uart receive int...

Resolved! What is the "debug" column in the MAP file?

I know this is a dumb question, but I've googled it and can't get an explanation. What is the "debug" column in the MAP file?Also, it's alarmingly big... using Keil is there a setting I should use to compile without whatever is taking up that space?...

STM32H7 ADC (independet mode) + DMA

volatile uint32_t dbg_res = 0; volatile bool isAdcWork = false; static __attribute__((section(".adc_dma_buf"))) __attribute__((aligned(0x20))) int16_t s_pAlignedAdcBuffer[(1024 + 0x1f) & ~0x1f]; void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)...

ARoma.7 by Associate
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Resolved! ST microelectronics commitment to fulfill ?

On the storage device on the nucleo-h743zi i just bought is a file "MBED.HTM"the ARM page explains:WarningThis platform is not yet available on mbed on-line compiler. Please use mbed-cli commands in the...