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Hello ,I want to connect (M02 weight indicator) with my controller(STM32F779BI) through MODBUS TCP/IP protocol.I am using microcontroller as client and weight indicator as server. I can't able to read data from server. server is not responding with a...
my program is stuck below this pointso never received ethernet frame if(((heth->RxDesc->Status & ETH_DMARXDESC_OWN) == (uint32_t)RESET))in HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame function
Hello I have STM32F779I- Eval developement board . My program works on developement board but not on my custom board with same controller (STM32F779BI) ( My pin configuration are same for both. ( MII configuration ) for both I have made jumper setti...
I am working on Ethernet (Part No : STM32F779BI )I am able to display webpage using ethernet with follwing pin mapping    PE2   ------> ETH_TXD3  PG14   ------> ETH_TXD1  PG13   ------> ETH_TXD0  PG11   ------> ETH_TX_EN  PH3   ------> ETH_COL  PH2  ...
Hello ,I am working on project in which I have to write data to EEPROM using SPI.I am able to write data to eeprom successfully when I disable CPU I-Cache and D-Cache otherwise it is it necessary to disable both cache while using EEPROM or ...
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