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Forum Posts

what is the source of clock for CANBUS

Hi,what is the clock source for CANBUS in STM32F767?I have referred the manual ,but still i cannot get the clear answer from it.the main reason to know the clock source is to calculate the bit timing .ThanksVimal

VPras by Associate II
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stm32f103rbt6 i2c1 remap not working

i am using stm32f103rb i think i have found a bug i am trying to use i2c1 on pin port b 8 and 9 for that you have to remap i2c1 in afio mapr register i have done that but in debug session i note that the bit never get set i have attached code and deb...

Iyar.388 by Associate
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Debug Cortex-M error

Hi,I want to debug a code for USART ISR Handler. The code is working fine. But If I debug, I am getting this error. I am using keil uvision.Cannot access target. shutting down debugging session.Why this error is coming. And how to over come this? I a...

Kumar B by Associate II
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Which peripherals clock need to be enabled?

For the most of the peripheral (e.g. ADC1) it is obvious, but what is withLL_APB2_GRP1_PERIPH_SYSCFG or LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_PWR? Does the voltage regulator work, if PWR peripherals clock is disabled?

T B by Associate II
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STM32L0x2: Combine two comparator outputs

I have a STM32L072KB microcontroller and want to combine two analog signals (they represent a kind of "quadrature encoded signal" with a 50% duty cycle) into one "combined digital output signal", which have the doubled frequency (for my purpose the d...

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AHorn.0 by Associate
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Resolved! delay function based on timer, overflow safe?

Hello Everybody,I was thinking about a flexible way to implement a µs or ms delay function with a free running timer as tick source. One of the biggest problems that comes to my mind is the overflow problem when the timer wraps around, so that some c...