Problem 1) current draw does not change after entering sleep mode.Problem 2) not sure if program should resume where it stopped or from the beginning of main. Also any difference between waking by NRST or by A0 set to PWR_WKUP0?Mcu is 'H747 operati...
On a my Nucleo-L476RG board, I used cube to only activate an LED connected gpio (PA5) - Nothing else.Then I programmed some blinky code into the main while loop: HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5, RESET); HAL_Delay(1000); ...
Also when I try to generate code, I get the error below. I won't have ethernet connectivity for two days.Is there a way around the error using the st link usb port?
Using CubeMX with my NUCLEO-F429ZI Board, I can configure 16 inputs on ADC1.However if I try to activate the on-board ethernet there is a conflict.So I tried to first configure ethernet using RMII interface with no ADC activated.I then try to activ...
The error message is:"Launching PowerSaveMode_CM7" has encountered a problem.Error in initializing St-LINK device.Reason (4) No device found on target.
Not sure if that link applies, I'm running a single STM32H747I-Disco with the dual core M4/M7.My code is operating out of the M4.I have a single ST Link using a single usb cable to my PC.(win10).