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Forum Posts

in stm32h7, access to battery backup ram inside stm chip sometimes doesnt work. on nucleo board. when clk turned on, battery ram stops working. thanks

battery backup ram works after power on. stops working ( get hard fault ) upon access to variable in battery backup ram. battery backup ram works when developement system dissconnected. sporadicaly stops working when ijet or segger connected to nu...

Ishel.18 by Associate
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STM32 External Loader

Hello everyone,I am developing a project with STM32F750N8 using Keil IDE, JLink Edu debugger.Also using W25Q128 QSPI Flash. I want to load my hex to the qspi flash and run the software from there (with memory mapped mode).I build a BSP Library that c...

STM32 timer ETR mode + slave reset

Hi,I need to periodically count the number of pulses of signal A between two rising edges of signal B. For that I use a timer (TIM2) in ETR mode (signal A is the ETR input), input capture on signal B and slave trigger+reset on signal B rising edge.No...

PKulh by Associate II
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