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I want to use an STM32G4 to control a BLDC motor with three (U-V-W) Hall Sensors (through a TI DRV8323S three-phase integrated gate driver). To be concrete, I am planning on using TIM1 on the STM as the interfacing timer to detect state changes (on U...
Hi all -Two questions:Are DRDY and INT on the LIS3MDL Open Drain or Push/Pull?Is DRDY active low or active high?Related Comment: I see in the datasheet that, using the IEA bit of the INT_CFG register, INT can be set active high or active low, but I ...
Any chance STM32 MCUs will adopt native i3c support any time soon? Many new devices, including some from ST (like the LPS22HH), support it. It's a compelling (new-ish) standard.
Hi guys -I am designing a motor control board around an STM32G474. Main power (for driving the voltage regulators, motor drivers, and ultimately the STM itself) will be provided by a large LiPo. Backup power (VBAT, to keep the RTC on the STM, and i...
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