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Forum Posts

IWDG debug freeze not working (for me!).

Hi all - Happy NY!I've a stm32H743ZI2 (nucleo) and am using the following code to init the IWDG   __HAL_RCC_WWDG1_CLK_ENABLE();   __HAL_DBGMCU_FREEZE_IWDG1(); //not working!!!?   // Reload = (LsiFreq(Hz) * Timeout(ms)) / (prescaler * 1000)   hiwdg.In...

ms1802 by Associate II
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ADC DMA START STOP problem in stm32h7

Helloi am using UART string command in switch to start stop adc DMA. Start, Stop command work fine only once but after stop command when i give start command ADC DMA does not start again.Belo both function ADC init(CUBEMX created) and ADC_StartStop(O...

RShar.9 by Senior
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ADC and DMA stop working?

Hi Everyone. I have a question relating to my project, and I think I have it tracked down to one problem area. As a hobbyist, I don’t get the time to work on my projects as someone working in the Industry does, and figuring it all out take so much lo...

mbmail4 by Associate II
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Stack pointer value at boot time

I was not involved in ST MCUs (STM32F769 specifically) until now. I understood that CPU gets stack pointer at start, from address 0, but what there exists is RAM - which is undefined after power up. Then, how can I force some "reasonable" SP value in...

ZDjok.1 by Associate II
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Stm32f103 counter in timer mode

Hello, I need advice. I am working on a device for revolution counting and need advice how to put the timer in the counter mode in operation with the stm32f103rb processor in order to count external pulse independently and I would like to have the re...

RP.11 by Associate
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