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Cube MX: After RTC configuration with "activate clock source" and running the Cube generated Code  the RTC wont start.TheCube MX generated code  is missing to set the RTCAPBEN Bit in the RCC->APB3ENR Register.I found out that the  "stm32h5xx_hal_rtc....
while (1) { GPIOA->BSRR = 0x0040; // PA6 Delay_us(100); GPIOA->BRR = 0x0040; // PA6 Delay_us(100); } //while(1)Hello ST after a lot programming with STM32F103 I startet with the STM32F030 and the STDPERIPH-Lib. Just an "easy example" of us...
Posted on January 15, 2014 at 22:55Im using STM Studio 3.3. When I import my .elf files from Keil or Coocox most of the variables (even direct variables) are missing. When I analyze the .elf file with nm or eu-nm all the variables are available on f...