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Resolved! How to reset TXE flag on SPI slave?

I'm simulating some issues on my STM32F412 DMA SPI SLAVE because I need to avoid any unrecoverable situation.If for any reason the TX is not empty (TXE is 0), I'm not able to reset it (set to 1) even reinitializing the peripheral.Probably, something ...

Guidoted by Associate III
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stm32h7 spi interrupt latency

Hi all,I interfaced external(off board ADC) to stm32h743 microcontroller. i am receiveing data in spi interrupt mode. i enabled RXPIE interrupt.But the interrupt latency is increasing as Baud rate of SPI is lower speeds latency is small(...

kgang by Associate II
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Running application from RAM

Hello,Is it that application can only run from ITCM ? When I try to run from other SRAM such as SRAM1, it get into MEM IRQ handler.Another issue is that on running from ITCM the HAL_Delay is much faster compared with running from internal flash (Xip...

ranran by Senior II
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STM32F779NI internal ADC accuracy

I am using internal ADC of STM32F779NI connected to LMT86 Temperature sensor. Vref is 3.3v and ADC resolution used is 10-bit. The problem is there is always a difference with the expected ADC and the actual ADC for a given voltage. This difference is...

A3 by Associate III
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Why does hard fault occur in STM32H753 VI?

When I was trying to download the code to STM32H753VI using IAREmbeddedWorkbench, IARissued a warning to me.Warning: There were warningsduringdownload, seeLogWindowAfter pressing the OKbutton, I checked and found my code was held in HardFault_Handler...

Ekim.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! USART transmitter failure

I'm using stm32f103ze to send some data over the serial peripheral, but it didn't work. The settings are correctly set but when I try to write to the data register it always remains zero. Furthermore, none of the Serial peripherals seem to work. Wh...

ASeyo by Associate II
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STM32L4 LPUART receiver tolerance

I'm hoping this is a simple question. In the reference manual (RM0394 section 39.4.5), the tolerance of the LPUART receiver is specified in Table 204. For example, with BRR = 1024 and 9 bits/1 stop bit, the tolerance is given as 2.33%.I've been ass...

PRuss by Associate II
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