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Resolved! Inverted polarity COMParator

Hello. I use STM32G474VET6.I want to use the comparator output as an external event for the timer. The output of the comparator (event) must be inverse (the POL bit is set in the COMP_CxCSR register). However, according to the logic of work, I see th...

ADedk.1 by Associate
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I have a speakerphone-ish application using STM32F405. Accoustic echo is a problem (mic picks up what the speaker barfs out). Prelim googling shows:Cube has add-on for speex AEC. But xiph (the guys who made the now-obsolete speex) themselves say...

Goof Ball by Associate III
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Hi, for several days now I have been trying to display a variable in "Snapshot acquisition mode" in STM Studio. The document CD00291015.pdf talks about this mode on page 21, talking about the "softTrace" subdirectory and the DataAcq.c and DataAcq.h files

Hi, for several days now I have been trying to display a variable in "Snapshot acquisition mode" in STM Studio. The document CD00291015.pdf talks about this mode on page 21, talking about the "softTrace" subdirectory and the DataAcq.c and DataAcq.h f...

Mbert.1 by Associate II
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Program stucks on Timer2 Delay.

Hello,In my application there is an external interrupt configurations: RCC_ClocksTypeDef RCC_Clocks; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, ENABLE); EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStruct; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStruct; GPIO_EXTILineConfi...

AKara.3 by Associate
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STM32G431 OPAMP not work?

Hi all,I'm using STM32G431KBU6, I've enabled the 2 opamps in cubemx, the settings for the opamps are: mode -- standalone power mode -- high speed user trimming -- disable I have 2 resistors and 2 caps to set the gain, low-pass cutoff freq and high-pa...

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Jhon by Associate II
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Read Out Protection Problem

Hi, I am using stm32f407vg. There is no read/write protection for sectors, there is only write protection option. So I had to enable read out protection, when I change protection level 0 to 1, code doesnt work. It's not working for even led blink cod...

kb24 by Senior
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Resolved! Timer in slave reset mode is not resetting counter?

I've spent literally dozens of hours just trying to understand and get a timer to work. This is not due to a lack of effort.I'm creating a setup to use TIM1 in input capture mode to capture the rising and falling edges of a pin coming from an IR rece...

SWill.11 by Associate II
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I2C only sends the slave address

Hello I am trying to communicate with TI BQ28Z610 by using Nucleo-F746ZG. All I do is trying to read data from TI chip. I am sending 0x08 to slave address 0x16.I2C frequency is 80kHz and pull ups are 10 K. Here is the related part of the trial code:w...

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GunkutA by Senior
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stm32f7 usart and data corruption

If I understand correctly the STM32F7 USART/UART doesn't have a hardware FIFO implemented. So how do I prevent data corruption if the interrupt aren't handled in time? Timing is now critical.I see there a couple of examples which use DMA. Only how to...

Evan .1 by Associate II
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