User Activity

The bug which was introduced in 1.14.0 which prevents a post-build step command to run, still exists in 1.14.1 with my project.I have a Windows batch file which should be run after build, and has worked correctly before version 1.14.0The result of th...
Debugging an STM32F7, the General Registers are not updated during dissassembly stepping.When clicking on one of the register values, as if to edit it, the real updated value does appear, but reverts to show the old value when no longer selected. Th...
I am seeing a very strange glitch from the PWM output of TIM8:CH1 on an STM32F730.The timer is running on 216MHz internal clock, with an ARR reload of 617, giving a ~350kHz PWM output.There is also a no-output Compare on it's channel 2, used to trigg...
HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq(void) in stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.c uses a (unt64_t) divide which could be avoided. This uses, on my build, 716 bytes of code space alone for the required _udivmoddi4 call, and this is not used anywhere else in my code.Would it be po...
I'm thinking in particular about defines to influence the HAL library code e.g. USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS.Adding user defines in MX just puts them in main.h and they are not seen by the library code.
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