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I've got a strange situation with a custom board with two STM32F4 chips. My master STM32F4 transmits data over SPI in blocking mode every few 100ms. At the moment the data size is 12 bytes but in theory it should be any size. The Slave chip is in SPI...
Hi, This may be more of a general Git usage question, but I am currently learning how to use Git so I can begin to implement version control with my projects. There doesn't seem to be many examples online of embedded use, it's mostly web stuff. I use...
Hi, I'm having lots of trouble with the i2c peripheral on STM32 using HAL and this is question 1 of a number of questions I have. Bit of background: I have a custom board with a F411RE and a F446RE. I want to communicate between them using i2c. The b...
Hi,I have a project in stm32cubeide that I have been using and updating for a while and have not had any issues. Now however, I get 10:35:50 Build Failed. 6348 errors, 48 warnings. (took 6s.171ms)Looking at some of the errors, it ranges from undeclar...
Hi, I've designed a custom board that has a STM32F411 and a STM32f446 on it. I would like to be able to have customers update the firmware on the boards as easily as possible. Currently, I program the chips using an ST-Link but can also program over ...
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