STM32F746G-DISCO problems with the internal I2C on CN7
I have many problems using the CN7 connector (pin SDA/SCL) with external I2C FRAM and I2C DAC chip.There are no problem using the EXT/RF E2P connector (pin EXT_SDA/EXT_SCL).Why ?
I have many problems using the CN7 connector (pin SDA/SCL) with external I2C FRAM and I2C DAC chip.There are no problem using the EXT/RF E2P connector (pin EXT_SDA/EXT_SCL).Why ?
Hi everyone. I'm a novice so have patience with me. I have a stm32f103c8 (blue phill) card connected to 8 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. I use the STM32Cube IDE. I already have the program ready to read the distances in all the ultrasonic sensors. Now I...
Arm_correlate_fast_q31 takes almost twice as much time as arm_correlate_q31.Am i missing something? I measured the calculating time for arm_correlate_q31 for various block sizes and then simply inserted the "fast_" in the function call and it takes a...
I wanted to generate PWM Waveforms with nucleo F411and found a severe bug in the hardware. Maybe it is described in the errata sheet, but I found nothing.bug:DMA is dependent on data send on DMA stream. Sometimes DMA transfer is not done. (DMA circul...
Hi, I am using an STM32F407VGx MCU and I am trying to receive data from SPI1 using DMA.STM32CubeIDE generated code for the SPI1 is the following:void MX_SPI1_Init(void) { LL_SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStruct = {0}; LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStr...
HiI use STM32 NUCLEO-F746ZG development board for my project. I split the ST-LINK and target STM32 part (Cut PCB). I tried to use HSE on-board oscillator from X3 crystal. I soldered the NX3225GD-8.000MEXS00ACG04874 8-MHz crystal oscillator and two 4....
I am using the STM32L412C8 and I am having trouble with the USART2 RX/TX pin swapping. I enabled it in CubeMX but if I send data to the PA2 pin (originally TX but should be RX after the swap) I get nothing. If however I send my data to PA3(should be ...
I attach the full code as a file and the relevant part here - for the evaluation board STM32373C-EVAL in which the red LED blinks a few times until the comparator is activated and blocks the execution.Is there a workaround to make the comparator work...
Hello,I have a problem when flashing my MCU (STM32F030CCT).After flashing, a Power On reset is always needed to start my SW (to reload the option bytes due to the "empty check flag").From manual: On STM32F070x6 and STM32F030xC devices only, internal ...