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Hi, I am trying to program STM32H743ZI MCU Using external stlinkv2 programmer the reason is to confirm stlinkv2 working..I made following changes to STM32H743ZI Boardlike 1.connected JP1(ON) to make STlink V3 reset.2.provided power through USB Chargi...
Hi,1.Wanted to know does the execution time reduces(speed increases). If text segment is brought to SRAM from flash at start up and executed in STM32H743 MCU2.Wanted to know are there any optimization techniques to improve speed like using I cache ...
Hello,I am using STM32CUBEIDE and STM32H743 microcontroller. I want to allocate an array in D2 domain SRAM I tried the following approach:1) In the linker script (STM32H743_RAM.ld) i created a separate section called dmabufferas follows.dma_buffer...
Hi all,I interfaced external(off board ADC) to stm32h743 microcontroller. i am receiveing data in spi interrupt mode. i enabled RXPIE interrupt.But the interrupt latency is increasing as Baud rate of SPI is lower speeds latency is small(...
Hi all,I interfaced STM32H743 with external ADC(SLAVE) In master receive only mode. STM spi clk is distored seen on CRO above 20Mbps . But clk is fine till 20 due to this received ADC values is not correct.but works fine below 20Mbps.​So ...