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Forum Posts

how to use 4 channels of ADC(192 KHz signal) with DMA such that out of total decided buffer size of 4096, we can populate the first 1024 buffers with ADC channel 1 , second 1024 buffers with adc channel 2 and so on ?

I am building a radar back end wherein I have to process 4 ADC channels coming in from radar front end and want to do processing on each channel and want to store the adc values in the buffer so that I can do DSP on it.

NKarn.1 by Associate II
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Timing issues while storing data to flash

Hello,I tried to store data to flash on a STM32H742 (running at 480MHz) and I have some timing issues. Meanwhile I found myself a workaround that I also want to share here. Still I would like to ask some questions to better understand whats going on,...

STOPMODE on STM32F411 (Using a program called flowcode)

Hi,I guess this question has been asked over and over, i have tried my best to read what i can to understand sleep mode.However I am having difficulty as i am not using the HAL library that everyone refers to.I use a program called Flowcode, basicall...

CEagl.1 by Associate III
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STM32F479NI Custom Board startup problems

Hi,We developed a custom board using the STM32F479NI MCU (using the Rev A).We are using a SEGGER J-Link JTAG adapter to flash and debug our MCUs.We are able to detect the MCU and to flash it using the J-Link softwares.But when trying to debug the MCU...

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AMass.1 by Associate II
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Bus Fault or Memory Management Fault

About fault exceptions, as I can understand user level trying to access privileged level memory will result in Memory Management Fault... but in Table 5.1 from Joseph Yiu's Guide to ARM Corten-M3 2nd edition page 83, it says Why that results in Bus f...

KSun.11 by Associate II
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SDIO + DMA missing last four bytes

Hello guys, I hope you can help me. I'm using a STM32F439 board and the following setup:In my application FreeRTOS with FatFS is running. For reading and writing blocks from my eMMC I use a DMA transfer. The problem occurs very seldom (in an 40 MB fi...

AWied.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! HAL_delay not working?

SOSI have tried the other forum suggestions but nothing seems to work so far for me. Basically I am just trying to turn an LED on/off with a set delay: while (1) {   /* USER CODE END WHILE */    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED1_GPIO_Port, LED1_Pin, 0);    HAL_...

retro by Associate III
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USART2 communication stm32f407 discovery

I've recently started studying stm32f4 discovery and I'm trying to enable USART2 communication through virtual com port. I've tried to use the code from the book called "stm32 Arm programming for embedded systems" (I've changed value of BRR register,...

MKarp.1 by Associate II
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