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STM32F103CBT TIM4 PWM with DMA results in Hard Fault

Hi, Beginner question: Over the last few days I've tried to generate a PWM signal with a STM32F103CBT on Pin 46 (PB9) with a variable pulse width, but apart from generating a signal with a fixed Duty Cycle at the desired frequency (800kHz - I want to...

TSchr.1 by Associate II
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I want to know how NAND ECC works.

STM32CubeMX Version 4.23.0STM32F2 Hal version 1.7.0STM32F207ZGT6, MX30LF1G18AC-XKI (NAND) //---------------------------------------- FSMC Setting   /** Perform the NAND2 memory initialization sequence */ hnand2.Instance = FSMC_NAND_DEVICE; /* hnand2....

DJung.3 by Associate II
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UART is not working in interrupt mode

Uart is not working in interrupt mode in Stm32f205.​​HAL_Uart_Transit ​is working but HAL_UART_Transmit_IT is not working for UART of Stm32f205.​Please suggest what is missing in configuring UART.

Pshar.1 by Associate II
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STM32F103C8T6 SPI capabilities

I've been trying to use SPI on the STM32F103C8T6 for a project I've been working on for a while now. I still can't figure out how to buffer data using SPI to an array in a continuous stream.This stream is continuous because there is no pause or break...

JShel.1 by Associate II
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Set RTC time from ntp timestamp

Hi,I am working on stm32 conntroller stm32f103rb, i am sending 8 bytes of ntp time stamp to the board over uart, i want to set RTC time according to that data, also i want to send in ntp format whenever requested from the board.can anyone help me wit...

MKS by Associate II
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Big image file after using ccmram

Hello,i have to use the ccmram in my application. But after „enabling“ this in the linker file, the compilation output it getting quite big. I had a look in the files and saw, that the memory beginning from the ccmram address is also stored in the ou...

KR51K by Associate III
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Windowed watchdog unable to initialize

I'm trying to initialize windowed watchdog and get to work done in STM32F4 discovery board. I've a couple of doubts, my system is not getting reset because of timeout when I'm trying to use debugger to debug it get stuck in an infinite loop.My printf...

RSHAR.1 by Associate II
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