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As on the title. The data sheet does not inform this parameter so it is hard to define what is the maximum resistance on the feedback network that will produce an acceptable error.The data sheet informs that resistance R2 (bottom resistance) of the f...
Using STM32F030 Discovery board.I read the ADC channels including the internal temperature sensor and vrefint.#define TEMP30_CAL_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7B8)) #define VREF_INT_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t) 0x1FFFF7BA))The calibration val...
Custom board based on STM32F030C8, application compiled with Keil. Using the HAL for initialization and runtime.When compiled to run directly out of the flash, the EXTI for PB0 works. It is configured to generate interrupts for both edges and when th...
I did a search in this forum and in the Internet but did not find anything specific. I have found some references and online articles but I would like to avoid reinventing the wheel or at least reinventing it from scratch.I am thinking of a handler (...
I am developing with STM32F030Cx, using CubeMX for the configuration. The application is basically a simple full cooperative scheduler (no RTOS, no context switching) that calls several "tasks" in a sequence. I am using the blocking functions of the ...