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STM32 UART Interrupt between 2 STM32F103C8 boards.

Hello guys good day. I would like to ask for your suggestions regarding the UART interrupt between 2 STM32F103C8 MCUs. I can transmit and receive between 2 MCUs using a single input and output with the use of the IRQHandler. However when I wanted ...

RSy.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! stm 32F4 Virtual comport won't work

Hello,i am trying to use the virtual comport of the stm32f407vgt6 to communicate with my win 10 pc. I want to send 16 bytes of data. I created a base project in cubeMX and insert the cdc_transmit. There it is possible to send 16 bytes of data via the...

FD.1 by Associate II
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I have a strange phenomenon in stm32f103

HelloI have a hw configuration that uses mpu6050, lora chip, gps, and bluetooth using stm32f103 mcu. I use lithium polymer 3.7v 1300mah for power to board.It doesn't make sense to me, but it's like this.After downloading the firmware via stlink, mpu6...

Jlim.1 by Associate II
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I'm using example code to transmit CAN data through User button press and receive through Interrupt handler. Program compiled successful and flashed. I connected my board to PCAN bus analyzer as another node.

 It is configures as same baud rate as my embedded board and PCAN GUI is running. When I run program I see Tx error counter is incremented and no frames are sent out. When refereed to LEC it is bit dominant error.Bits 6:4 LEC[2:0]: Last error code10...

HKuma.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7 FMC data corruption

FMC bank 1 is set to NOR Flash PSRAM, bank 3 is set to NAND Flash. The transfer of NAND flash uses DMA.MPU of the above regions are set to non-cacheable, non-buffable, non-shareable.The issue occurs when PSRAM read happens during NAND flash read. The...

JQiao.1 by Associate II
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STM32 F446ZE - Board MB1162B-02

I 'm using this board for CAN communication with CAN1. I notice in User manual UM1871 Figure 14. MCU 1 CAN1_TX is connected via SB18 and it is open. For CAN1_RX it is mentioned in user manual that I have to close for Rx to work and not mentioned abou...

HKuma.1 by Associate II
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STM32F051 ADC DMA overrun after first conversion

I am trying to use ADC with 2 channels and DMA, but I only get 1 reading before the overrun bit gets set. Also the 1 reading is wrong, I am expecting a value of approx 2100, but I am getting around 70. I can see in the hadc->DR that the value are cor...

Hoddy by Associate II
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