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Forum Posts

How to reset I2C on STM32F4407 without resetting the MCU

HelloI have trouble with handling an I2C error on my STM32F407. My I2C bus usually works fine but it sometimes hangs, with both clock and data lines are high, but the I2C communication does not start. The SR2.BUSY bit remains high and sometimes when ...

Nils B by Associate II
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Resolved! Behavior of floating point divide by zero

Hi, everyone.I have found a bug in my code resulting division by zero (float).We get hard fault if we try to divide an integer number by zero. So how does this process work for float numbers? I have tried this code and result is very strange. MCU han...

SCAN.1 by Associate II
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Compiler optimization for speed on STM32H747HI-DISCO

Compiler optimization for speed on STM32H747HI-DISCO board destroys accessing external flash in memory mapped mode. Works fine without optimization but I get a hardfault as soon as I try to access memory from 0x90000000 after memory mapped mode is...

ALevc.1 by Associate III
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Timestamp with can_message.h is not working

I try to use the timestamp function from can_message.h to know the timestamp of a message received on the CAN.But the value is every time 0. Is it a knowed bug?Because I use this function with another hardware without problem.With STM32 I'm not able ...

TGIRA.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Nucleo-F767ZI SPI config

Hello,I am practicing with nucleof767ZI. I have stuck with the SPI, here i am trying to send some dummy data and read it through an analyzer. What I get is MOSI always low and SCK is always high. I find no change or pulses in clock line. As of now no...

Sesha by Associate
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Can't program STM32F301K8U7

I can't download rom file when using STM32F301K8U7.The programmer can connect the MCU and recognize it. But there always are errors when modifying the flash. All reading data are 0xFF, even after I erasing the total chip.The programmer I tested are ...

LW.2 by Associate
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STM32 timer3

Hi everyone. I wrote this code to run the stm32f0 timer3, which toggle 2 LEDs at a time, but it doesn't work. Can anyone please help me؟void TIM3_Init() { TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM3_InitStructure; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;   ...

Nmo.1 by Associate III
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Nextion Communication issue

HelloI have Nextion display. Ican control it with arduino library in Arduino ide good.I am learning communication nextion without itead nextion library via uart.I designed simply page in nextion. it has just a textbox named "t0".I try send a word fro...

FLine.1 by Associate II
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