I made a project on keil with generate flm file to download to external flash with my board. My board has a stm32h7b0zbt6 chip with ospi interface with a spi nor flash W25Q128. the interface releate is: PF6 ------> OCTOSPIM_P1_IO3
PF7 ------> OCTOS...
I made a board with ST32H7B0ZBT6, and add a external flash with W25Q128JVS。I found after I enable mapped function, I couldn't write data to external flash any more.the code with enable mapped func as below: uint8_t W25Qxx_OSPI_Init(void)
I made a project with stm32h7 board, and use pemicro multlink to debug it under keil. I found it keep in systick handler pending but no active.I checked systick module register as:the counter is changed.and then I checked SCB releate registers asand ...
I made a board with spi1 connect a lora module, and the nss pin, I just want to use soft control. But I found that before I enable spi1, the SPI CR1 and CR2 register value as: (gdb) x/2wx 0x40013000
0x40013000: 0x00000024 0x00000040 but afte...
I use stm32CubeMX to generate usb code with HSI clock.Though I can config with usb clock to 48MHz, But stm32CubeMX software display there is clock issue as below:So I wonder can stm32f103cbt6 usb work under HSI clock?
I modified the .sct file, made some code to ext flash like:; *************************************************************
; *** Scatter-Loading Description File generated by uVision ***
; *************************************************************...
Did you mean that I must callHAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_OSPI_Abort(OSPI_HandleTypeDef *hospi)function when I want to write data to flash by this function as belowuint8_t W25Qxx_OSPI_WritePage(uint8_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t Size)
I mean, if I don't mapped the external nor flash, then I can write data to it by HAL_OSPI_xxx releate functions. But if I mapped external flash to memory area 0X90000000 - xxxx, then I couldn't write data to the flash any more.