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Forum Posts

Resolved! Timer Configuration for stm32h753

If I want to the timer to run for 10s, having the system clock running at 240Hz. What value should I choose for the prescaler and counter period settings. I want to know the process to calculate the above values? 

hvs_learn by Associate III
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Cannot control the pins.

When flashing the program, CubeIDE shows "Successful", but functions are not realized. We have checked the connection between PC, STM32, DAC(AD5791) and power supply is correct, but the LDAC pin of DAC keeps showing "high" and the pin on STM32, D1, w...

YZ_C by Associate
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Hello, STM32 community,I’m currently working with the STM32U5 and using the DCMI (Digital Camera Interface) to interface with a ADC Module which has a pixel clock and outputs 14-bit parallel data. While I understand that the DCMI supports extended da...

JP.4 by Associate II
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RTC internal wake-up doesn't wake-up STM32U5

Hello,I have my STM32U575 set to wake-up from standby-mode by the reset button of the Nucleo-U575ZI-Q. Furthermore I want the MCU to wake-up periodically triggered by the RTC. The sample code below just makes the reset button work but the RTC doesn't...

Resolved! shutting down "spare" Cortex-M4

I've taken over this project that is using the STM32h755 CPU. The software is not currently using the Cortex-M4 processor inside the chip. I'm reworking the software so that it will be able to use it sometime in the future. But, until then, I was hop...

Resolved! STM32F429 ADC problem

I am currently using STM32CubeIDE and want to input an external sine wave. The signal has a voltage of 2.6V and a frequency of 10kHz, and I am using DMA + TIM + ADC. The following is the screenshot of my settings. Currently, I can only capture the pe...

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tasabao by Associate III
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