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Hallo,I have to question, all about netxduo.1. how to set the pool size of netxduo at the least value possible2. I need to use the mqtt client packet.  Is it necessary also to enable the arp protocol, icmp protocol, the TCP protocol, the udp protocol...
Hallo,I have a board with stm32u5. This board sends mqtt messages to a broker using a cellular modem.As os, I'm using AZURE RTOS. I'm wondering if it's better to use lwip, netxduo or stm32_cellular as a substratum. Where can I find examples of netxdu...
The wizard procedure put in my project this file <STM32U575ZITXQ_FLASH.ld> and this file <STM32U575ZITXQ_RAM.ld>.When is used the first and when the second and where is written in the project which one to use?Because in the linker section, as for Deb...
Hi,I have a C project, it compiles perfectly.I changed the extension of main from main.c to main.cpp.I use the function "Convert to C++", I did "Clean project"but when I compile the project, I have a bulk of compiling error of this type:C:/myproject/...
Hallo,I'm using U5A9NJQ demoboard with FILEX. I have something that doesn't work, the first time I write on a file, all is correct, but if I rewrite on the same portion of the file, the writing seems to be correct, but, when reading, the content hasn...
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