I have this 2 programmers, stlinkv2isol and stlinkv3.
With the first, I'm able to program and debug my board. But with the second, no, I received a message like this
ST-LINK SN : 0050002E3331510633323639
Board : STLINK-V3...
Hallo, I'd like to use LPTIM to count the number of digital impulse of a signal.So, the signal is connected to (in this case) LPTIM2_IN1.The init function (MX_LPTIM2_Init) is as this: hlptim2.Instance = LPTIM2;
hlptim2.Init.Clock.Source = LPTIM_CLOCK...
If I have 2 external devices, one mapped on GPIOC0 and another on GPIOG0 of the micro, so they generate the same EXTI0 interrupt, how is it possible to distinguish which of them is calling the interrupt? I mean, is it possible to read effectively the...
I have a program with various tasks, in one of these I send a request and, after that, I wait for a response, so I have a cycle like this SendRequest();
}while (Timerisnotexpired()); the Problem is that th...
Hallo,I'm compiling with this option <-fpack-struct=1>Why, with this option, the instruction<WRITE_REG(hdma->Instance->CBR1, 0U);>generates hard fault? I don't understand, without changing nothing.thank you.