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I found this problem with STM32L476 but I suspect it may be a general STM32 quirk.The manual does not list the minimum and maximum value of UART BRR register. While the minimum value of 0x10 seems to be quite obvious, the maximum correct value in the...
Looks like serious regression from 1.10.1. Steps to reproduce: Select STM32F401 or F411 MCU, Enable FreeRTOS. The generated main() function in main.c file does not contain the section creating the FreeRTOS objects (task, queues, etc.). Instead, the c...
When creating project using Board Selector, Nucleo-C031C6, the incorrect MCU pinout definition is created with two errors: I2C1 is activated and pins are assigned for it and USART1 is initialized using PB6&PB7 instead of USART2 with pins PA2&PA3,whic...
USART baud rate related stuff has a long history of errors in both the STM32 documents and sample code. Looks like in the past 4 years some of the problems were corrected but there are still some strange and incorrect pieces.STM32F10x manual, RM0008 ...
I notice that the updated versions of STM32 Keil packs contain an error influencing project configuration. The problem was already signaled on STM32 forums but the root case was not identified (see for example
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