Hello.I did a full chip erase using STM32CubeProgrammer and after that I can upload and run the code. Everything works fine like SAI, SPI interfaces but when I try to set communication via USB_FS as a device only to send data to PC using virtual com ...
hi,I have successfully connected LTDC display(480x272) with STM32H723ZGT6 - RGB565 mode .I could able to image file from internal Flash Memory .I could able to Load Perfect colour from DMA2D by using. framebuffer in global level .uint16_t framebuffer...
How generate multicarrier PWM on stm32? Currently my project is making Modified seven level packed u cell inverter.
I am developing some trackers for personal use in VR and have found an excellent solution that meets my needs using the STM32CubeIDE environment and some boards. I create and test the files, but I realize that debugging over serial communication is n...
I have a system in which the power source to the CAN transceiver interfaced to the on-chip CAN peripheral is common between multiple MCU's vis-a-vis a connector. I have experienced issues wherein if the connection is broken and then re-connected betw...
I am beginner in using STM32 boards I am working with stm32f411re board with that I will use sim900a gsm module for internet connectivity and then mqtt protocol to send data to AWS cloud. So, when I am using paho mqtt library paho.mqtt.embedded-c/MQT...
Hi there,I am configuring HRTIM TIMD to generate PWM which works as expected, roughly following the Synchronous Buck Converter example for the DPOW1 eval board (my target is the nucleo64).I use LL API calls instead of HAL calls for my project. I ha...
hello everyone, I have a problem, I have a custom PCB with an STM32L011, I have a sim800l module connected, I send the AT commands via LPUART1 and I want the response on UART2, but as an answer I got AAAAAAAAAAA and after a while Call Ready,Call Read...
Trying to work with the STM32F411 USB OTG peripheral and compiling with Segger Embedded Studio, I'm having trouble clearing out the USB interrupts.The USB peripheral has IRQ bits that are write-1 to clear. As can be seen in the image below, the brea...