2025-02-24 06:17 AM
I am working on STM32WB55RG MCU and I wanted to enable one pin for Wakeup from Shutdown mode. That works fine.
But, when another EXTI pin is initialized, I am not able to disable it. The MCU wakes up when this pin (connector) state is changed, even while it is disabled using the HAP API.
In the code below, I want to enable wakeup for PIN1, which is a switch. But disable PIN4.
bool LowPower_EnterShutdownMode(void)
it also does not work when all the rest of the pins are made analog as well.
#define STAT_Pin GPIO_PIN_4
#define STAT_GPIO_Port GPIOE
#define USR_BTN_Pin GPIO_PIN_0
/*Configure GPIO pin : PtPin */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = USR_BTN_Pin;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
HAL_GPIO_Init(USR_BTN_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/*Configure GPIO pin : PtPin */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = STAT_Pin;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
HAL_GPIO_Init(STAT_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
Am I missing something here?
Best regards,
2025-02-24 06:51 AM
What is keeping the pin at a known state to prevent noise from triggering it? Has to be a pullup or pulldown somewhere.
> it also does not work when all the rest of the pins are made analog as well.
So when you make other pins analog, pin 1 doesn't cause a wakeup any more? That doesn't quite add up. Sure you're not overwriting the pin 1 configuration somewhere in there?
2025-02-24 08:01 AM
Hello @TDK,
Thank you for the response.
> What is keeping the pin at a known state to prevent noise from triggering it? Has to be a pullup or pulldown somewhere.
For the pin we want the device to wake-up, it is connected to a button.
For, the pin that we do not want to wake up, it is pulled up. This is the pin that needs to be disabled from wake-up. This pin is connected to the charger ACOK (input power detection).
> So when you make other pins analog, pin 1 doesn't cause a wakeup any more? That doesn't quite add up. Sure you're not overwriting the pin 1 configuration somewhere in there?
Sorry, I was not clear. When I made pin 4 analog as well, the MCU was still waking up from sleep.