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Hello all, I have not been able to get the DFSDM_AudioRecord example to work on STM32H735G-DK.I am using CubeFW v1.11.2 and Cube MX 6.11.1. Furthermore, I tried debugging and noticed that the DMA Callbacks for Half and Full complete are called. Then ...
Hello all, I was trying to follow the example in MOOC - STM32H72x/3x hands-on workshop - 6 Code execution from external FLASHI have configured the OSPI as per the board requirements in CubeMX. But the `OSPI_Init()` function fails while trying to read...
Hi,I am using STM32H7's Timer 2 peripheral to generate a clock frequency ranging from 10Hz to 1MHz. To reconfigure the PWM to attain certain frequency, the PSC, ARR and CCR1 registers are modified.The sequence for modification is as follows: PWM_Star...
Hello,What could be the possible reason for STSAFEA_CMAC_COUNTER_LIMIT_REACHED (0x09) error when attempting to read from the STSAFE?When trying to initialize with stsafea_Init(), there is no error returned.How do we resolve this issue or error?Best r...
Hello everyone,I am currently evaluating SSL with a local server and an STM32 device. I'm unable to figure out why the decryption fails with CCM as the cipher suite.FYI: I am using MbedTLS v2.14.1.Setup:    I'm using x86 local server with STM32 devic...
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