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STM32L431CBT6 blocks in HAL_Delay()

Associate II

Greetings! I am using STM32 for a very first time. I made my custom PCB with 10MHz oscillator. In the Clock Configuration window I have sellected the PLL and the HCLK is set to 80MHz (max for the uC). The outputs are all 80MHz. So I made a simple blink test program:


  while (1)
	  HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_1_GPIO_Port, LED_1_Pin);

    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */


The problem is my code blocks in HAL_Delay(). Here to be precise:


while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait)


I checked with oscilloscope and the quarz is working! I also tried different interrupt priorities for Sys Tick Timer.

Any other suggestions?

I have no experience with these uC.


ST Employee

Hello @stoyanoff and welcome to the community,

Could you please attach your ioc file?

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Associate II

Here you are!

Karl Yamashita

Though it may not matter with what code you have that I see, you've have the Systick priority set to 14. Usually by default, it should be 0 like all the other interrupts.


Are you sure you've selected the correct pin for the LED? 

Don't worry, I won't byte.
TimerCallback tutorial! | UART and DMA Idle tutorial!

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Is that possible to share the part of the crystal connected to the MCU + the part of the LED connection with the MCU.

When you set a break point at HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_1_GPIO_Port, LED_1_Pin) are you able to reach it?

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Associate II

Sorry for the late responce! It seems my pcb is working correctly in release mode => when I program the uC. So I suppose the problem is in the selected debuger type. I am using ST-Link as a tool and I connected every jtag related pin to the connector. I didn`t know what to expect so I prepared the pcb for everything. I have TRST, TDI, SWDIO, TCK, TDO and NRST connected to ST-link. In the .ioc I have selected JTAG(5 pins). Is that correct? What should I use for this controller?



Please refer to the AN4555 / Figure 14. Reference design STM32L4 Series / STM32L4+ Series:


And use Serial Wire mode.


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Associate II

Hi! I fixed it! It seems this uC demands ROM boot mode selected. I selected RAM in the beginning which is common for TI uC. I though I have to switch  to ROM when I am ready, but here this is not the case...