My purpose is to send an "HELLO" using a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P board trough HYPERBUS.On the STM32CubeIDE, I configurated OCTOSPI1 peripherial and I/O associated./* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes -------------------------------------------------------...
hi every one.I want to program an stm32f030 chip using stm32 flash loader. I know this programmer communicates with the boot program of the MCU. I used this programmer for a microcontroller of mine in a custom designed board (which has been programed...
Question for the Hardware-wise ones:When probing canH and canL with my isulated oscilloscope i get the following signal:different voltage levels inside the same frame??!.Notice how the ACKs are always higher voltage alsoIt doesnt happen always but ev...
#else static uint8_t l_datastoreStorage[2048]; #endif static uint32_t l_head = 0; static uint32_t l_tail = 0; void hal_datastore_init() { memset(l_datastoreStorage, 0, sizeof(l_datastoreStorage)); memset(l_datastoreStorage, 0, sizeof(l_datastor...
Hi there, I created a project with STM32F042G6 chip using CubeMX. I am interfacing this IC to another chip using SPI. When I set the SPI1 and try to send a command, just before sending a command I have SCLK, MOSI, and MISO levels are high. After send...
Hi I'm new to dual core programming. I need to share data from M7 core to M4 core and M4 core to M7 core. Can you please let me know the steps I need to start.?
I have hooked up a STM32H743ZI2 Nucleo board with a CAN tranceiver MCP2551 following the instructions kindly provided by mr. Hudak ( with the exception of replacing the second board with a USB-CAN-modu...
Hi, in the example for the OSPI-memorymapped example, the test procedure is as follows..// This is running fine on the DEV board, ( it also works in byte mode fine.) while (1) { /* Intensive Access ---------------------------------------------...
Using the STM32H735G-DK with on board external memory connected to OCTOSPI2.I'm using the demo code for this board to initialise the OSPI2 interface and to access the on board HyperRAM (S70KL1281DABHI023). The demo code writes 32-bits and reads them...