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I'm debugging a legacy application on an STM32F407 that uses the std peripheral libraries and LwIP 1.4.1, and except on rare occasions, hardware IPv4 checksums don't work; they all get sent out as zeroes. When I disable hardware checksums in lwipopts...
I've purchased an LRWAN2 kit for an upcoming ST workshop, and I wanted to make sure I can set the RF band, etc. when the time comes.I've followed the setup instructions in UM2587 rev 2, the "Getting Started" guide, and I get the following power and s...
I'm trying to use the IDE to generate a CubeMX project for the 769I-DISCO that uses the LCD and touchscreen; I've settled on the STemWin graphics library to avoid depending on the external TouchGFX tools. I've built numerous projects using the standa...
I've written a flash-based bootloader for the STM32F4 using the latest STM32CubeMX tool and its HAL libraries. I've avoided all the usual pitfalls (it's not my first bootloader), and my code works reliably. I'm not erasing my bootloader segment, writ...
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