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Hello, I'm testing the STM3240G-eval with the USB host MTP. The goal is to retrieve the photo from a canon EOS 100.The camera uses PTP protocol.As the demonstration  code read .wav file, I wrote a wav file to the root of the SD card. The digital came...
Hello,In a Client(Router)/Server configuration with two STM32WB55 I would like to accelerate the transmission of data at starting of the server.The server address is know in advance and stored in the client then in the HCI_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT_SUBEV...
Hello, I'm using the client/server example with two Nucleo-WB55 kit, it works without issue.Now I'm working with my own board:Client : STM32WB5MM moduleServer: the same nucleo-WB55 as above At starting, the client scans and detects the server(with th...
Hello,I'm working with the STM32WB in BLE mode.Cube generates the advertising time interval with these values:#define CFG_FAST_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MIN (0x80) /**< 80ms */#define CFG_FAST_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MAX (0xA0) /**< 100ms */Cube indicates that thi...
Hello,I have an installation where the S2-LP has been blocked in LOCKST(0x14).Which command can remove this ? S2LP_CMD_StrobeReady()?The datasheet doesn't give this information.
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