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Created project with newest Cube MX, added all of my pin initializations, closed project, tried to open it - it does not open, no errors no warnings, shows that cubemx loads the file and then renders UI, always goes to 100% progress on both, and then...
I found that CubeIDE v 1.10.0 does work properly on latest Ubuntu and Linux Mint.Problem: After Cube IDE is installed, I created a project and built it. Running Debug session though is not successful. It throws an error where it says that arm-none-ea...
It is Debian based distio (crunchbang plusplus), after installing IDE using sh script provided, the IDE is found in the list of programs, but it is not in the PATH, and I could not find location of the installed files. Also attempting to run installa...
Stm32g4xx_hal_adc.c line 644 adc_multi_skave macro returns null if adc3 is a parameter to the macro, when it should return pointer to adc4.
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