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Resolved! Timer input capture mode

hi, i am working with an example from the book Mastering STM32 written by Carmine Noviello.The example is the 6th of chapter11, it is about Input capture mode.I have a nucleo board STM32F401RE and i am building examples with STM32CUBEIDE tool.I have ...

FIann.2 by Associate II
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Friends, my goal is to send a float number and a string with uart and read it from the live expressions section. But the number and the text are intertwined. What should I do?

HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, rx_buffer, 10);   /* USER CODE END 2 */   /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */   /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*)tx_buff...

Causes for ADC calibration not finishing?

I am porting a working project from an STM32F0 to an L0.For that I let CubeIDE generate init code for the new MCU and replaced stuff that changed in my code. (next to adapting my modified linker script and all that)The code gets stuck on waiting for ...

SKled.1 by Senior II
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What Xferoption should be selected in SMBUS for restart condition?What is Xferoption for restart condition with change in direction(write to read)?

/* List of XferOptions in usage of : * 1- Restart condition when direction change * 2- No Restart condition in other use cases */#define SMBUS_FIRST_FRAME      SMBUS_SOFTEND_MODE#define SMBUS_NEXT_FRAME     ((uint32_t(SMBUS_RELOAD_MODE|SMBUS_SOFTEND_...

VKamb.1 by Associate
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Resolved! stm32f2xx flash erase as painfull as it looks?

I am porting some code from stm32f105 to stm32f205.stm32f105´s memory is erased in 64 pages of 2kbytes (i can handle this)stm32f205´s memory is erased in 12 sectors of 42kbytes!!? (flash size is 512kB)(from stm32f2xx_hal_flash_ex.h)/** @defgroup FLAS...

Javier1 by Principal
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Resolved! Which is the maximum sampling frequency of ADC? STM32H742

I am trying to configure STM32H742 to convert 3 different input channels (3, 5, 16) in an ADC (1) . I have achieved to convert just one channel with a sampling frequency of 1MHz, seeing that 1 million samples are converted per second. But when I add ...

EEtxe.1 by Associate II
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RM0091 - ADC chapter not very clear

Hi,The RM0091 rev 9 has some contradictions and typos in the ADC chapter.on page 234, 13.4.4 says that the registers IER, CFGRi, SMPR, TR, CHSELR and CCR must be configured only after ADEN has been set (and presumably that ADRDY is also set).However ...

Kraal by Senior III
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How G-431B-ESC1 drives CAN & PWM communication?

Hello ST,I bought a G-431B-ESC1, wish to driven with CAN & PWM, but cannot figure it out . I red the manual(UM2516) was written:"The CAN interface is provided with transceiver on board and a termination resistor is provided and manageable by firmware...

GST by Associate
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Resolved! SPI CPHA affects NSS

I use MCU STM32L462ET6TR. When I set CPHA=1, the NSS signal is always at low. When CPHA=0, NSS signal works normally. There is my initialization code:void MX_SPI1_Init(void) { hspi1.Instance = SPI1; hspi1.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; hspi1.Init...

sdianoff by Associate II
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