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Hello,I have thought to use FreeRTOS with the Bluetooth stack with STM32WB family MCU but it appears it is not possible by the STM32CubeMX if you want to build your custom service.Then, I have to use the SEQUENCER but I have no idea how to use it.......
Hello,I am gonna use the STM32WB35.After a while, I have configured it by the pintool SW, added the SW32WPAN, chosen custom service and filled the details for GAP and GATT ....Then, due I'm not familiar with the Sequencer, I added the FreeRTOS-CMSIS...
Hello, I'm using a STM32F103 and my code needs to save a few parameters from calibration activities in factory in the FLASH. I have successfully configured the last sector and I use it.Then, what I'd like is:FLASH the STM32 with the whole SW the 1st ...
Hello, I have successfully implemented the standard I2C protocol with OLED. To speed up the display operations, I increased the speed of the I2C and it works fine up to 290 kHz.The protocol relies on DMA transfer and the CPU is in SLEEP until the DMA...
Hi, into the SMT32CubeIDE is it possible to migrate code from STM32F1xx to ST32WB families?I mean, using the same basic code of the F103 and adding the BLE of the WB family?Thanks for any replyMaurizioPS: in case, is there any migration app note?
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