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Forum Posts

STM32F446RE - RTC Wake Up from Standby Mode

Hi everybody, I have some problems related to wake up procedure from Standby Mode using RTC Alarm Interrupt. When the Alarm time is reached, I have a continuous autonomous wake up from Standby Mode. Could you please help me? Here is the code I provid...

VGiai.1 by Associate
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TIM1_BKIN Behavior When Fault is Detected

Please I want to Know how TIM1_BKIN for example in STM32F103C8T6, behavior when it detects fault and when the Fault disappears? What is the approximate Time it may take to turn off the TIM1 PWMs Channels ant when the fault disappears, does it delay ...

Resolved! Write & Read to SDRAM with STM32H743

Hello, I want to write and read from an external SDRAM using an STM32H743. I never did this project before and I did not find any example of project to help me.Please can you point me to good example of project "SDRAM/FileSystem" ?Thank you.

PyKe by Associate III
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