I wish to build a classical closed loop controller based on a STM32H743 interfaced via SPI to an external 16bit ADC and to a 16bit DAC. The MCU is supposed to read an ADC sample, feeding a controller routine (for example implementing a standard PID c...
OTA for STM32Fxx MCU using ESP32:https://github.com/laukik-hase/OTA_update_STM32_using_ESP32
Hi,I keep on getting hard fault on HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT.I am trying to communicate to SX1276. The circuit is designed by another experienced hardware engineer.I use the similar code on STM32L431CBT without issue.However, I face random hard fault on ST...
Hi,I am trying to configure the pin PC13 in my STM32G473VBE6 device as Input with Pull up option.There is a sensor connected to it, so when it is activated it will pull the pin low. But after configuring the pin PC13 to Input with pull up. I am seein...
I had a project and pushed it up to a github repository that I just created. STM has so many files under many directories (CMSIS, etc.) I didn't feel it necessary to add all these files. I added the .ioc and all my source and header files. What o...
Hi everyone, just a question about this DMA not triggering for unknown reasons. The only thing I can deduced is the switch from C to C++ and how variables behave within an object maybe. All I know is the peripheral is working and the DMA is setting t...
Hi,We are using B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board to perform the FUOTA.The way we changed the current implementation:1. In FragDecoderWrite function in main.c we added a function to write the fragments to the flash memory. FlashMemHandler_Write((void *)(FLASH_BA...
i have a STM32L0VZ (UFBGA100) and I would like to know if I can ouput the RTC Calib on this PIN ?Thank you very much