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I'm using STM32 NUCLEOH743ZI2 board were I have written a code which consist of Multi channel ADC using DMA with timer, SPI and I2C protocols. SPI and I2C is not working whenever multi channel ADC is enabled else SPI and I2C is working fine. We are u...
How to take a reference clock out from stm32h7 microcontroller?
Hello,Is it possible to generate high accuracy in terms of the frequency sine wave using STM32?My goal is to generate a sine wave using STM32 whose frequency varies from 5KHz to 20KHz insteps of 0.1Hz with a delay of 1 sec is it possible to use STM3...
Hello,I am using DAC module of STM32H743ZI2 micro controller to generate sine wave of 8KHz frequency I am using Timer2 for this setting using APB1 bus of 150MHz and prescaler of 74 and ARR register of 1.>>The issue I am facing is jitter in the outpu...