STM32F407 Fake ? or not ?
Suggest the the product STM32F407VET6 is Fake or Not .. How to find fake products . The lables are not as per in Manual .
Suggest the the product STM32F407VET6 is Fake or Not .. How to find fake products . The lables are not as per in Manual .
How do you call an interrupt hanlder as a result of an interrupt (like systick) in the STM32F4xx library? Do you have to change the value in the vector table to point to the handler manually or how is this handled?
I am trying to use the backup SRAM but get a hard fault when writing to the memory. I have unlocked the backup domain, enabled the backup regulator, and enabled the clock. What other step am I missing? // unlock backup domain HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAcce...
Hi,I'm currently using the STM32G474RET6 controller for my application which makes use of the CORDIC coprocessor. I'd like to perform logical operations (say comparison checks) on the results from the CORDIC coprocessor using an external peripheral, ...
When i try to download STM32CubeMx from ST website nothing happens. press "Get latest", than i log in my ST account, press "Get latest" again and nothing happens. I have no proxy on my compute...
I have a Nucleo 144-pin F746ZG and I want to configure the user button (PC13, pulled to ground according to MB1137 schematic) to toggle an onboard LED on a falling edge via EXTI interrupt.I am using this sequence to initialize the interrupt handling:...
AN2606 Figure 115." Bootloader V9.x selection for STM32U595xx/99xx/A5xx/A9xx" show that the Bootloader USB detection aborts DFU startup to a system reset when no quarz is found. Does this abort also happen if an external HSE oscillator is used?
Hi, I've been trying to get an i2c connection working between two nucleo boards however nothing i have tried has worked. i am using the NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q and the NUCLEO-H723ZG both with i2c1 and on the same pins pb8(scl) and pb9(sba). for the H755 dual...
Hello, Hello,I purchased an STM32h7b3LI-DK demo board and I would like to have the source codeof the demo firmware installed on the board, is this possible?Best regardsSébastien
I'm using a custom board with an STM32U5F7. Written a program(with nothing else configured other than clock and FDCAN) that simply sends out a message via FDCAN (in classis mode, 500kbps) which I'm hoping to receive using a P-CAN. When probing the TX...