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Forum Posts

Multiple usart using DMA

Hi,Am working on a STM32F745VG micro controller and i want to use multiple uart using dma. Majorly facing issue at the reception side.When i try to receive data from uart 1 sometimes my uart 2 also receive the same data.Even though their handler are ...

Divyanshu by Associate II
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Resolved! Example of SDMMC on STM32H757 i-EVAL Board

Hi everyone .I'm looking for a demo code to run the SD card (16gb) with FatFs on the STM32H757 i-EVAL Board.When I generate it with CubeMx the demonstration doesn't work (I didn't forget to activate the transiver)Thanks you =)

Tteva.1 by Associate II
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power consumption stm32l4 in lprun mode

HiI am using stm32l496 in lprun mode but the current consumption is equal to 1.2 mA while in run mode the current consumption is equal to 3 mA while in the datasheet, the current consumption in the lprun mode is about 220 can I reduce the curr...

alianvari by Associate III
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Best way to sequence ADC (a lot) without DMA

Hi all, I'm building an application which needs to sample 8 ADC channels at roughly 10kHz, while listening for messages over SPI. The issue I'm facing is that neither of these can be missed, and sometimes they occur simultaneously. Ideally both of th...

Konami by Senior II
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Unrecognized device on STMFlashloader

Hello,I'm working on STM32l051K8 MCU with the custom board design. I just wanted to enter the device to the bootloader for serial flashing via USART peripheral. Here is the simple C code to enter into the bootloader for STM32L0xx family MCU.void Jump...

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