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Forum Posts

Run two DMAs simultaneously on STM32F407

I am working on a project that uses an STM32F4 disc board to read and write external ADC and DAC with two SPI interfaces. SPI1 (DMA2 Stream3) is set to TX only to write waveform to a DAC, and SPI3 (DMA1 Stream0) is set to RX only to read an ADC. Whe...

PLi.4 by Associate II
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Hi everyone, I'm a beginner with MCUs. I want to read ADC values from 12 channels continuously and I'd like to implement an averaging process before transmitting them through UART. I'm using Nucleo-L476RG.

Signals are similar across all 12 channels but I'm confused about how to run the averaging algorithm for 12 channels at the same time. Currently, I can get the ADC values from all 12 channels using DMA without the averaging process.To explain further...

AMahm.1 by Associate II
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STM32H745ZI(LQFP144) FMC and SDRAM support

Hello ST community! I have a question about FMC on STM32H745ZITx (LQFP144). In the datasheet DS12923 ( it is not said whether it supports SDRAM. And there is no "SDRAM" item in the FMC settings...

0693W00000Dq8MzQAJ.png 0693W00000Dq8MpQAJ.png
AAlek.2 by Associate II
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STM32L072 slow start-up time

I'm using a STM32L072CZT6 in a mobile application in which I need the MCU to start up as fast as it can. Currently the start-up time is 6ms. That appears to be too long based on this thread (Start-up time too long), although I haven't found a typical...

MBles.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Why does configuration tool code generator changes my code in main between /* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */ and /* USER CODE END 5 */? I thought user code sections where untouched? What can be wrong?

Everytime i run code generator, the main file is changed between User Code ? */ /* USER CODE END Header_StartDefaultTask */ void StartDefaultTask(void const * argument) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */ /* Infinite loop */ for(;;) { LedTask(); ...

sde c.1 by Senior II
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