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I have coded the function for the jump : void vd_srv_BOOT_JumpToUserApp(uint32_t u32_AppAddr){ uint32_t temp = 0UL; volatile uint32_t u32_JumpAddr = 0UL; void (*pJumpToUserApp)(void) = (void*)0;  /* Disable MPU */ // HAL_MPU_Disable();  /* Disab...
the ST-LINK can't detect the micro but the software who is already programmed in the micro work perfectly.Does anyone have an explanation why the reset breaks like this?
Posted on January 04, 2016 at 11:20 I use a STM32f103VB in a system who charge and discharge a battery. The microcontroler stops working in a random way. I can have the system which works during several days before having a crash of the microcontro...