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Resolved! Counter? Nucleo L476RG

Can someone tell me when I useuint16_t temp; temp = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2);the above why temp doesn't equal the TIM2 CNT register in the debugger? I've also triedtemp = htim2.Instance->CNT;

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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Resolved! STM32F40G UART, unexpected pulse on Rx Line

I am sending some data on UART, When I enable Transmitter TE bit in USART_CR1 register, a pulse is observed on Tx line ( as shown in figure). That's fine but I am observing some 190nsec pulses on Rx lines though I am not sending anything to it! I hav...

IAhma.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G030 ADC voltage residual issue

Hi Almighty Internet & STSo huge learning curve using MCU STM32G030J6 with ADCLearned the hard way you cannot use pin 4 for ADC as this is shared by NRST and there is no way to turn off MCU resetting because the bit registers which exist in STM32G031...

MHyst.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F4 problem receiving 0xF8 over UART with HAL

Hello I am trying to send hex values over UART with HAL_Transmitin the cubeIDE I do:HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,(0xF << 4) | (0x8), 1,10);However I receive in Hterm0xC5I cannot make sense over it. Sending text with " some text" works fineHAL_UART_Trans...

ABenz.11 by Associate II
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how to make DAC hold stable output voltage

I am testing OPAMP_PGA example code.Here is the DAC config code: /** DAC channel OUT1 config */ sConfig.DAC_HighFrequency = DAC_HIGH_FREQUENCY_INTERFACE_MODE_AUTOMATIC; sConfig.DAC_DMADoubleDataMode = DISABLE; sConfig.DAC_SignedFormat = DISA...

HDaji.1 by Senior
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iOS app: will not work with STWINKT1B

I wanted to make sure the dev board I received would work before the webinar, but unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce the steps as seen on the YouTube tutorial. It seems like the iOS app is out of date according to attached screenshot.

Resolved! Buffering in STM32F4 uC for UART

I recently got my STM32F407VG uC working with UART4. I can receive a byte and send a byte. Though I have been reading on how to acquire more than one byte at a time. It seems as though people like to use DMA. I am perfectly okay with polling for my e...

JCorl.1 by Senior
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