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Good morning.I am running an IHM03A1 stacked onto a Nucleo - WB55RG.  I am finding that if I send the commandBSP_MotorControl_CmdSetParam(0, BSP_MotorContorl_SPEED, (uint32_t)speedMotor);followed by BSP_MotorControl_GoTo(0, pos);the motor will not mo...
Good morning.I have an X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 stacked onto a NUCLEO-WB55RG.  During a power down I immediately query the Powerstep01 (BSP_MotorControl_GetPosition) and write this value to flash.  At reboot via the debugger I verify this position.  I then w...
Hello.I am trying to port from a Nucleo-F401 board to the WB.  I have a desire to make USART1 on the WB as a comm port so I can pass data to it for testing some stuff.  I find it works well UNTIL I enable the BLE.  I notice in the app_debug.c file th...
I have two projects one was created some time ago with STM32CubeMX V6.10.1 and it shows me having 'blue' Enable CSS button for the LS mux the other is created with STM32CubeMX V6.12.1 (using the same exact part) YET it is greyed out.  How do I change...
I am using the above subject Nucleo.  I create a project and let STM32CubeIDE V 1.16.1 create a default project.  I make NO changes to this.  I close the .ioc and open main and add the following code (seen by Red Bars).  I build and load to target.  ...